June/July 2007

Breakfast Club Tanzania would like to thank Rob Ahearne for the last six months. Having arrived off the plane clean-shaven, pale and speaking no Swahili, he returns to the UK a bearded, tanned, Swahili speaker! Rob has done a fantastic job managing and moving forward the project since the original set up and has built excellent relationships between the Breakfast Club, local government officials, school teachers and the cooks. He will be greatly missed!

In his last few weeks here, during the June school holidays, Rob handed over the project to Romy Campbell (pictured). Romy has previously worked in the area and speaks excellent Swahili. We are all extremely happy to welcome Romy to Tanzania and believe she will be a real asset to The Breakfast Club team.

Our progress…
May was our first full calendar month at Mangamba Primary School and was a great success. Attendance records from the start to the end of the month increased by around 10-15%. Generally, the attendance records of the younger children have increased more dramatically, particularly heartening since it is the younger children who will benefit from the project for the majority of their school life. We hope that this is a trend that will remain, since our commitment to the school is long-term.