Our New Staff

With the introduction of the new school, we are delighted to announce that we have taken on two new staff to join the Breakfast Club Team.

Hidaya Ali is our new head cook. She is a 41 year old mother of 5 children, who attend Mtawanya school and lives in the local village. She has previously volunteered her time out of the goodness of her heart to feed at a different school. We felt that both her experience and positive attitude made her the perfect addition to our team. She is a hard worker and dedicated to our ethos of feeding children to provide them with a brighter future.

We have also taken on a delightful junior cook named Latifah. She is a 20 year old single mother of a little girl who attends the school. She is very pleased to have a job and is thrilled to have the opportunity to begin a career with Breakfast Club and the capacity to support her child.

Mtawanya Primary School

The most exciting development of the past few months is that Breakfast Club Tanzania has implemented a project into a third school, Mtawanya Primary School!

Mtwanya was chosen after extensive research into the needs, location and poverty levels at schools in the area. The school has 280 pupils and is situated in a rural location outside of Mtwara town. We began feeding at the start of November and both the pupils and villagers are delighted with our arrival! Above are pictures taken on the first day, the children were so happy when we told them about our project they sang and danced in delight, it was a heart warming picture for Project Manager, Evie Davidson, whose hard work and commitment led to expanding the feeding programme.
We are most thankful to Chumvini Prison who have agreed to help us with transport for delivering the ‘uji’ dry mix and the sugar to the schools. This will be a huge help in the wet season when the roads are impassable. A special thanks to Mr Kasambula at the prison for his support via their community aid scheme.