14th Annual Breakfast Club Tanzania quiz – Update

Due to Coronavirus the 14th Annual Breakfast Club Tanzania quiz was held online. The quiz is one of the main fundraising events of the year and despite holding it online during the lockdown we still managed to raise over £1800 excluding gift aid.

The quiz itself was the normal light hearted affair but with the added bonus of Rob “Quizmaster” Ahearne treating us all to a Vik Reeves inspired Club Singing round along with videos that should never see the light of day again!

A Hamper is on its way to the winning team, Three Men and The Baylys. The quiz was a close run contest with several teams all within a point or two of each other.

It was great to see some of the quiz veterans of previous events such as the Armadillo’s, Mid-life Crisis and Vacant Lot.

Thanks to all who took part and stay safe everybody.